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S'han trobat 13974 ítems

Llistant ítems des de 12875 a 12900:

  511  512  513  514  515  516  517  518  519  520  521   
doc icon DUGiDocs maig 2008 Sustainpack: innovació i sostenibilitat en el desenvolupament de packaging basat en fibres naturals. La UdG hi participa amb la contribució del LEPAMAP Universitat de Girona. Servei de Publicacions
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2017 A Svar approach on fiscal policy: a case of Spain Orpí Uslé, Joan
doc icon TDX 6 març 2015 The syntax of wh-movement in multiple (true and echo) questions. A Q-particle approach Chernova, Ekaterina
out url icon Recercat The syntax of wh-movement in multiple (true and echo) questions. A Q-particle approach Chernova, Ekaterina
doc icon DUGiDocs 6 març 2015 The syntax of wh-movement in multiple (true and echo) questions. A Q-particle approach Chernova, Ekaterina
doc icon DUGiDocs 20 novembre 2018 Synthèse, caractérisation et application des alliages à base de Mn-X-Y (X=Al; Y=Fe,Co) et Ca-Al dans la dégradation d’un colorant azoïque "Black 5" utilisé dans l’industrie de textile Ben Mbarek, Wael
doc icon TDX 27 gener 2012 Synthesis of antimicrobial peptides derived from BP100 and BPC194 Güell Costa, Imma
out url icon Recercat Synthesis of antimicrobial peptides derived from BP100 and BPC194 Güell Costa, Imma
doc icon DUGiDocs 27 gener 2012 Synthesis of antimicrobial peptides derived from BP100 and BPC194 Güell Costa, Imma
out url icon DUGiDocs 28 octubre 2022 Synthesis and applications of large supramolecular nanocapsules: matryoshka-type masks, higher fullerene C84 purification and stabilization of metallic clusters and sub-nanoparticles Ubasart Clarà, Ernest
doc icon DUGiDocs setembre 2019 Synthesis and Characterization of Manganese complexes as Photooxidation Catalysts Morea Martín, David
doc icon DUGiDocs 31 maig 2021 Synthesis, characterization and reactivity of a Au(III)-NHC complex El Ghaddar Chkadri, Souhaila
doc icon DUGiDocs setembre 2017 Synthesis and characterization of Ruthenium polypyridyl complexes for alkene epoxidation catalysis Rico Lazaro, Lorenzo
doc icon DUGiDocs febrer 2016 Synthesis of a chromophore‐catalyst dyad ruthenium complex for oxidation reactions Guerrero Troyano, Isabel
out url icon Recercat Synthesis of a chromophore‐catalyst dyad ruthenium complex for oxidation reactions Guerrero Troyano, Isabel
doc icon DUGiDocs febrer 2016 Synthesis of copper nanoparticles using grape stalk and spent coffee extract Gerits, Nathalie
out url icon Recercat Synthesis of copper nanoparticles using grape stalk and spent coffee extract Gerits, Nathalie
doc icon TDX 18 gener 2008 Synthesis and evaluation of cyclic cationic peptides as antimicrobial agents for use in plant protection Monroc, Sylvie
out url icon Recercat Synthesis and evaluation of cyclic cationic peptides as antimicrobial agents for use in plant protection Monroc, Sylvie
doc icon DUGiDocs 18 gener 2008 Synthesis and evaluation of cyclic cationic peptides as antimicrobial agents for use in plant protection Monroc, Sylvie
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2016 Synthesis and evaluation of imaging probes for prolyl oligopeptidase (PREP) Maimó Pérez, Neus
out url icon Recercat Synthesis and evaluation of imaging probes for prolyl oligopeptidase (PREP) Maimó Pérez, Neus
doc icon TDX 10 abril 2015 Synthesis of molecular nanocapsules for supramolecular host-guest chemistry and enzyme-like catalysis García Simón, Cristina
doc icon DUGiDocs 10 abril 2015 Synthesis of molecular nanocapsules for supramolecular host-guest chemistry and enzyme-like catalysis García Simón, Cristina
out url icon Recercat Synthesis of molecular nanocapsules for supramolecular host-guest chemistry and enzyme-like catalysis García Simón, Cristina
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