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Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
maig 2008 |
Sustainpack: innovació i sostenibilitat en el desenvolupament de packaging basat en fibres naturals. La UdG hi participa amb la contribució del LEPAMAP |
Universitat de Girona. Servei de Publicacions
juny 2017 |
A Svar approach on fiscal policy: a case of Spain |
Orpí Uslé, Joan
6 març 2015 |
The syntax of wh-movement in multiple (true and echo) questions. A Q-particle approach |
Chernova, Ekaterina
The syntax of wh-movement in multiple (true and echo) questions. A Q-particle approach |
Chernova, Ekaterina
6 març 2015 |
The syntax of wh-movement in multiple (true and echo) questions. A Q-particle approach |
Chernova, Ekaterina
20 novembre 2018 |
Synthèse, caractérisation et application des alliages à base de Mn-X-Y (X=Al; Y=Fe,Co) et Ca-Al dans la dégradation d’un colorant azoïque "Black 5" utilisé dans l’industrie de textile |
Ben Mbarek, Wael
27 gener 2012 |
Synthesis of antimicrobial peptides derived from BP100 and BPC194 |
Güell Costa, Imma
Synthesis of antimicrobial peptides derived from BP100 and BPC194 |
Güell Costa, Imma
27 gener 2012 |
Synthesis of antimicrobial peptides derived from BP100 and BPC194 |
Güell Costa, Imma
28 octubre 2022 |
Synthesis and applications of large supramolecular nanocapsules: matryoshka-type masks, higher fullerene C84 purification and stabilization of metallic clusters and sub-nanoparticles |
Ubasart Clarà, Ernest
setembre 2019 |
Synthesis and Characterization of Manganese complexes as Photooxidation Catalysts |
Morea Martín, David
31 maig 2021 |
Synthesis, characterization and reactivity of a Au(III)-NHC complex |
El Ghaddar Chkadri, Souhaila
setembre 2017 |
Synthesis and characterization of Ruthenium polypyridyl complexes for alkene epoxidation catalysis |
Rico Lazaro, Lorenzo
febrer 2016 |
Synthesis of a chromophore‐catalyst dyad ruthenium complex for oxidation reactions |
Guerrero Troyano, Isabel
Synthesis of a chromophore‐catalyst dyad ruthenium complex for oxidation reactions |
Guerrero Troyano, Isabel
febrer 2016 |
Synthesis of copper nanoparticles using grape stalk and spent coffee extract |
Gerits, Nathalie
Synthesis of copper nanoparticles using grape stalk and spent coffee extract |
Gerits, Nathalie
18 gener 2008 |
Synthesis and evaluation of cyclic cationic peptides as antimicrobial agents for use in plant protection |
Monroc, Sylvie
Synthesis and evaluation of cyclic cationic peptides as antimicrobial agents for use in plant protection |
Monroc, Sylvie
18 gener 2008 |
Synthesis and evaluation of cyclic cationic peptides as antimicrobial agents for use in plant protection |
Monroc, Sylvie
juny 2016 |
Synthesis and evaluation of imaging probes for prolyl oligopeptidase (PREP) |
Maimó Pérez, Neus
Synthesis and evaluation of imaging probes for prolyl oligopeptidase (PREP) |
Maimó Pérez, Neus
10 abril 2015 |
Synthesis of molecular nanocapsules for supramolecular host-guest chemistry and enzyme-like catalysis |
García Simón, Cristina
10 abril 2015 |
Synthesis of molecular nanocapsules for supramolecular host-guest chemistry and enzyme-like catalysis |
García Simón, Cristina
Synthesis of molecular nanocapsules for supramolecular host-guest chemistry and enzyme-like catalysis |
García Simón, Cristina